Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you still Complain ?

Complain - Make a formal accusation . We all complain, accuse, express discontent all the time. It stems from our expectations and they rightly say "Expectations lead to despair". But what about those who never expect anything, actually they can't. Why? Because they never know what to expect. But we still complain about the government, system, and above else life.

If you think you are unhappy, look at them.


If you think your salary is low, how about her ?


If you are jealous of other people having many friends.


Still thinking you have nothing in your life and you still have a reason to complain. Sir / Madam I have not finished either.

You think that you should give up, then what about this man.


You suffer more than any other in this world, then what about this man !


Just missed a meeting because of poor transport system, they don't have a transport system.


Still complaining about the life's hardships, she is barely smiling.


Do you ever noticed, why we complain? No, why it is hard to enjoy just the life as it is? Why we forget that things are worse for others? Is "satisfaction" so far away? Well if you say yes to it, then you need to scroll further.







Just stand up and see around. You will see at least a dozen of reasons about which others complain so what about it. You know even Bill Gates complains ! Well this was a brief encounter with reality. Bookmark this post, because whenever you feel like complaining, read it again and start thinking. If you still need a reason to complain, then I would like to hear it from you. Contact me or leave a comment, I will surely reciprocate.

Cheers :)

Nikhil Gupta


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