Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you still Complain ?

Complain - Make a formal accusation . We all complain, accuse, express discontent all the time. It stems from our expectations and they rightly say "Expectations lead to despair". But what about those who never expect anything, actually they can't. Why? Because they never know what to expect. But we still complain about the government, system, and above else life.

If you think you are unhappy, look at them.


If you think your salary is low, how about her ?


If you are jealous of other people having many friends.


Still thinking you have nothing in your life and you still have a reason to complain. Sir / Madam I have not finished either.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Roads less travelled

"By persisting in your path, though you forfeit the little, you gain the great." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” - Lao Tzu

"The journey is the reward." - Chinese proverb

"The road to success is always under construction." - Lily Tomlin

"You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself." - Buddha

We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls. - Avais Nin

“All of life is a journey which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there.” - Old saying

“How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way.” - Old saying

“If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.” - Anatole France

Cheers :)

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Red Sea Star - World's first and only underwater restaurant in Israel

Red Sea Star is a underwater restaurant, bar and observatory situated in Eilat, Israel. In-fact it's the fist underwater restaurant. This amazingly designed restaurant is 5 meter (16 ft.) below the surface of the Red Sea. The thick Plexiglas windows gives an octopus-eye view of the surrounding fish, corals, and other creatures. The safety of restaurant is duly considered. The sight from the restaurant is unique with carols, fishes and deep sea water. Interiors are so well detailed that one's attention get divided between the wonderful picturesque outside the windows and the interior view. The wall, the floor, the seating, the fixtures all contribute to the fantasy ocean like view. The food here is not that great but the basic charm here is the experience of eating under the sea. Denise, a Red Sea fish, is one of the jewels of menu, however to some it does feel awkward while eating a fish when the others (sea creatures) pass the window. The Decor is well acknowledged by both the underage and adults, but the service here often test the patience of the customers.

It took approximately 4 years in planning the "Star", forming the concept, attaining all required permits etc. and the actual building of the site took an additional four years. The windows here are 8.5 cm to 13.5 cm thick depending on it's size. There is an additional 6mm thick special glass layer that covers both sides of each window for protection. The internal layer protects the acrylic panel from the visitors inside the Red Sea Star and the external layer protects the window from divers, fish etc.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Scott Wade - Dirty Car Art

"Scott Wade" lives on a dirt road, full of limestone dust that loves to rest on the back window of any car that goes through it. Seizing the opportunity, Wade, instead of writing something like “Scott was here,” started his very own genre of art, “Dirty Car Art". Yes, Wade “paints” with dirt.

And the best part is this is not the only one. Here are some more -

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


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Saturday, January 12, 2008

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